Gibb River Road - Done and Dusted

Relentless bumping up and down, you feel like you’re getting a workout on one of those tens machines you see on informercials. Then, unexpectedly – relief – a 500m stretch of bitumen – pure smoothness, but before you even get a chance to exhale, we’re back to bump-a-da-bump-a-da. Praying to the Road God to give us another smooth break - in a few hundred kilometres, we’ll get to say namaste . The upside is that with all that clenching I’m sure my pelvic floor is restored. The Gibb River Road is more than 600km of essentially corrugated road, penetratingly dusty - between Derby and Kununurra in the Kimberleys with another 150kms travelled off the main road to visit all the gorgeous gorges (the reason why you thump your way through this). Whilst the corrugated road sounds off putting to you, wait (or skip) to the end… I have YOUR NEXT HOLIDAY DESTINATION sorted (by flight and on bitumen): El Questro. The start of the Gibb We were lulled into a false sense of ea...